New group gifts at Gabriel and Rozoregalia

New group gifts at Gabriel and Rozoregalia

Hi, peeps! I have some gorgeous new jewellery group gifts for you today :)

First up, Gabriel group (joinable for free at the store – just head North once you land to get there) is this male and female Two-Strand Necklace. Wear your group tag and click to receive (and there are other group gifts on the wall to get, too!) –

There’s a 50% sale at Gabriel right now, so it’s a good time to snag some bargains. They’re out of the price remit for this blog (average is L$200), but Mar picked up a fatpack of four lovely dresses for L$500 (when each individual one was L$200 – I do love a bargain!)

Hop behind the cut for the Rozoregalia group gift :)

Rozoregalia group (also joinable at the store, for a L$100 fee) has a fabulous earring set… with an ear! What a brilliant idea for people who struggle to adjust piercings. The set comes with an alpha layer to remove your actual ear (Viewer 2 and alpha layer-compatible third party viewers only) but if you set your ear size to zero then you can still use the ear with a non-alpha viewer. If you do this then it looks a tad strange on the ear that you’re not wearing anything on (you get the left ear only in the pack) so a good idea is to wear a hairstyle that covers that small ear.

Again, wear your group tag and click to receive the item. There’s another earring, plus a useful attachment point checker at the group gift point:

The ear comes with an easy-to-use skin-tinting HUD that will let you save several colours to your personal palette. There are presets to start you off, and you can adjust from there before saving. Here’s Mar’s:

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