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Author: Mar

I love Second Life with a passion. Finding freebies and cheapies, and helping newbies are all things that have given me a lot of enjoyment over the years I've been in-world.
Get lucky at Snowpaws!

Get lucky at Snowpaws!

  • No mesh body or body parts required. This one works for classic avatars!
  • No spend look. Completely free!

Hi, peeps!

There’s a veritable plethora of lucky boards, lucky chairs, Midnight Mania, and Mini Mania options at Snowpaws, and today I’m showing you just a few of the lovely items I’ve picked up there in the past few days. No text, since it’s all on the images. Teleport to Snowpaws and see what you can win!

Get your glam on at The Free Dove!

Get your glam on at The Free Dove!

  • No mesh body or body parts required. This one works for classic avatars!
  • No spend look. Completely free!

Hi, peeps!

I’ve been wandering around The Free Dove rather a lot lately, because they have some amazing stuff available. And, with Valentine’s Day looming into view, I’ve picked up some gorgeous freebie frocks for that in-world date you might be going on.

There won’t be much text in this post, because I’m just going to show you what I found. The store and item names are on the images themselves. I hope you find something here to put a sparkle in your Valentine’s eye! ;)

For the first one, I do have a bit of text. This dress comes with two generous texture HUDs, plus an additional colour-change collar, a (black-only) floufy shoulder section, and an optional black clutch. I’ve taken pics of them all, but only one pic of the collar, clutch, and flouf! (Note: the clutch will alter the pose of your right arm, so it won’t follow your AO’s motion, and the clutch will always be held by your side.)

And now, onto the others!

And for the skin and accessories, you’ll find the Skin by Kira at the Free Dove, and the jewellery set by RealEvil here on Marketplace.

The hair by Rezology is also at The Free Dove.


Luscious curves & Valentine pretties!

Luscious curves & Valentine pretties!

  • No mesh body or body parts required. This one works for classic avatars!
  • Also includes an all-in-one applier for: Slink, Belleza, Maitreya, and Omega
  • Minimal spend look. Just L$1!

Hi, peeps!

Today I’ve got a luscious curvy shape for you, as well as cute-as-a-button pink hair, a lovely skin, and a slinky silky dress.

Isn’t that a super-sexy, curvaceous shape?! I’m completely in love with it, and it’s absolutely free! But before we get into that, I’m taking you to the Free Dove to pick up that slinky pink dress by Tiffany Designs, which is perfect for a hot Valentine date! (That link will give you a red arrow to follow, taking you directly to the dress’s location at the back of the store.)

The dress comes with tons of options, including clothing layers for classic avatars, an all-in-one applier for Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, and Omega, a mesh skirt piece (in several sizes), prim extras for those lovely floaty lace sections around the legs, and the pearl jewellery (necklace, bracelet, and stud earrings). Absolutely, bargainously free!

Next up, head to Marketplace to spend a measly L$1 on these shoes by Mayden Couture. They come with a pretty easy-to-use skin colour HUD, with presets to start you off and you can then fine-tune the shade to match your skin. An added bonus (especially for newbie girls who don’t have the money to spend on Slink feet) is that they come with sculpted feet. I know that Slink feet are gorgeous – heck, I own them! – but when you’re new to SL and don’t have the L$675 to spend on a pair of feet, you still want some nice heels. I noticed that, even at the Free Dove, most of the female shoes are now for Slink High feet, which is surprising. I would have thought to see a few more options for non-Slink wearers, especially since the Free Dove is all about helping newbies! I know that few people are really making shoes with included feet these days, but still… :(

And, finally, we’re heading to JStyle. This is the place you’ll need to join the group for.

NOTE: All of the JStyle groups send out a lot of notices (they tend to be multiple repeats of the same notice for several days, until a new notice comes out), so I strongly suggest that – if you stay in the group(s) – you disable group notices for each of them, and just check them manually once a week for new items.

The group is the JStyle Mesh Head group. (Don’t get as excited as I did, thinking you get a free mesh head!) You’ll need the group tag active, and once you’ve done that, click the box for the Mesh Head group gift on the desk just inside the store. Inside this box you’ll find that stunning curvy shape, the skin (complete with makeup – please note this is a system skin only. There are no appliers), the hair, a brow shaper, and an alpha layer to help you with the hair. Mar did need a hairbase under it, so she used the pink shade of Amacci’s free hairbase tattoo layers.

Another little note: This hair isn’t rigged 100% perfectly. I noticed that, when Mar moved her head, the hair sunk into her face a little on the right side. The hairbase tattoo made up for it, and since it’s absolutely free, it’s not anything to kick up a fuss about. I just like to warn my readers in advance, so make sure you get those hairbase tattoos to wear under the hair :)

If you’re up for joining another (free) group, you can pick up another lovely mesh hair in the store – just a little to the right. There are currently female and male mesh hairstyles absolutely free to members of the main JStyle group (again, very active, so disable group notices unless you want to be swamped!) Make sure you click the large images with the group tag active, not the smaller boxes underneath them.

Here’s a shot of the store and various locations:

On the left you can see the desk with the hair and skin etc gift in it. There’s a second gift of a pink mesh dress (that requires yet another free-to-join group!) so if you want to grab that, do! And on the right you can see the two group gift mesh hairs. Make sure you click the big pictures! I’ll show a close-up of the female hair at the end of this post.

Mar’s eyes and mesh lashes are both from default starter avatars, which you’ll find in your inventory’s library. The eyes are from the ‘Iliana’ avatar and the lashes from the ‘Leah’ avatar. You can edit the lashes to fit your eyes quite easily.

And here’s a better look at that stunning shape. As I note in the image, it’s NOT modifiable, but it states that it’s for Medium Standard Sizing, so any mesh clothing that’s in the M size should fit it. And honestly, that face is super-cute and so worth it!

Lastly, here’s a close-up of that other ladies mesh hair group gift from JStyle:


De-Noob for Nowt: A box of Ydeas!

De-Noob for Nowt: A box of Ydeas!

  • No mesh body or body parts required. This one works for classic avatars!
  • No spend look. Completely free!

Hi, peeps!

Today I’ve got a new De-Noob for Nowt for you, and it all comes from a single massive box of stuff from Ydea at the Free Dove (as well as a couple of bits you’ve already got in your inventory). You’ll find it on the end of one of the women’s clothing sections, and it contains a ridiculously-large number of boxed outfits. Most of these outfits are pretty old now (clothing layer dresses with prim skirt pieces, etc) but dig through them and you’ll find some nice little gems that you can add to your wardrobe, including footwear, a skin, and various clothing layer items that you can team up with more modern mesh items. And yes, it also contains mesh items, too! I’ve always advocated mixing and matching, and not just wearing everything in an outfit box, so here’s a good chance to do that. Think of it as diving into a thrift store and seeing what you can come out with!

If you want this particular look, open the boxes for the outfits ‘Desy,’ Amanda, and ‘Vera’. I’m going to keep this post fairly simple, as all the info you need about what comes from each outfit is on the pics themselves :)

The shirt is a mesh item and you get standard sizing for that. The jeans are good old clothing layers. And that’s such a pretty skin; I was really pleased to find it in there!

One of the hardest things to find high quality mesh freebies of (unless you know where to look) can be hair. But did you know that everyone starts Second Life with lots of great hair already? And skins, and modifiable shapes, and eyes, too. Just try on some of the ‘classic’ default avatars (look for the ‘avatar’ toolbar button in your viewer; if you don’t have it, then right-click on the toolbar buttons that you do see, click ‘toolbar buttons’ in the menu, and then drag the avatar button from the new popup window anywhere onto one of the lower or side toolbars of the viewer). You need to wear each avatar once to copy it into your main inventory (it will go into your Body Parts folder) and from there you can pick and choose what you wear from it. You even get an AO, or Animation Overrider, to get rid of that horrible waddling ‘duckwalk’.

Here, Mar is wearing the hair from the ‘Carla’ avatar and the eyes from the ‘Elizabeth’ avatar:

And here’s a back view showing the cute-as-a-button bottom pocket decals of the jeans, as well as the shimmery boot heels. (You need to see those in-world to see what I mean!)

De-Noob for Nowt! Goth goodies at Free Dove and Shop FreeStyle

De-Noob for Nowt! Goth goodies at Free Dove and Shop FreeStyle

Hi, peeps!

Today I’m trialling something new on the blog. I’ve been debating how to handle the mesh body vs classic avatar conundrum, and I’ve come up with what I hope will be a good solution. Tags are all well and good, but I don’t have a visible tag cloud on the blog, so I thought it would be a good idea to put the requirements for each post in coloured text or images at the top of the post. I’ll put both in this post, so you can see how it looks. Let me know which you prefer!

The text-only version –

– No mesh body or body parts required. This one works for classic avatars!
– No spend look. Completely free!

The image version (I may change these to be smaller and less obtrusive) –

Now that’s out of the way…

Today we’re going Goth, because I like to choose a theme sometimes and see what I can do with it. We’re visiting three places:

The Free Dove
Shop FreeStyle
Sn@tch mainstore

First up: The Free Dove. Mar picked up this cute little velvet dress and tights set by Stellar in the women’s clothing section there. And in the women’s footwear section, she found these colour-change (soles and straps) boots by Sn@tch. The bracelets (also by Sn@tch) are at Shop FreeStyle.

The awesome (and a bit scary; no picking your nose or scratching your bum with these on!) nails are by Gorgeous Dolls, and are in the accessories section of The Free Dove. The ring can be found in the ‘freebie TV’ in front of the freebie wall at the Sn@tch mainstore. (I tinted the gemstone a bit more purple, to match the outfit.)

As well as being scarily sharp and long, the nails also come with an amazing HUD. You can colour each nail individually by clicking it on the HUD, and there are tons of options to choose from. Here’s a screenshot of the HUD itself:

The necklace is a freebie from Edenia on Marketplace. It’s tintable (it’s black when you buy it, but edit it and you can change it to any colour) and really easy to resize using the manual sizing tools. The lipstick is from a huge pack of freebie lippies by 7 Deadly s{K}ins at The Free Dove.

You’ll find the curly lashes (by BKB) on the second floor at Shop FreeStyle. Look for the orange upward-pointing arrow just inside the door to teleport to the second floor! The hair by Adoness is also there (although I didn’t make a note of which floor that was on – oops!)

Finally, the skin is by Avi-Glam and can be found in the skins section at The Free Dove. Please note that the purple eyeshadow is not included with this skin! I’d originally planned to blog that, too, since I picked it up in a hunt gift at The Free Dove, but when I went back there – just hours later! – the hunt items had been removed. It turned out that was a leftover from the December hunt!

Total spend: Nothing! This look is completely free :)

Beware the hair thieves – a quick tips guide

Beware the hair thieves – a quick tips guide

It will happen to all of us eventually, especially those of us who hunt for bargains. We’ll find a fabulous cheapie on Marketplace, and the ridiculously-small amount of money the creator is charging for it will leave our virtual wallet so fast you won’t see that cash for dust. The item arrives in our inventory, and… whoops.

We’ve just paid for stolen goods.

It happened to me last night. I was just looking through the latest cheapies and freebies on Marketplace, and a lovely blonde hair popped up for just L$32. Since I’d already picked up a few cheap hair gifts (and since it was among a load of other results for other things) I thought “Bargain!” and threw it into my cart. I was on a freebie/cheapie binge, and I just didn’t think. Just glossed right over it.

As soon as I unpacked it, I realised that I’d unwittingly purchased copybotted (stolen) hair. The clues were simple to follow:

  • The hair description began ‘LeLutka’ – a well-known designer in SL
  • It was full-permission (always a HUGE sign that something’s amiss, especially if the Marketplace description says otherwise)
  • Checking the creator properties of the hair took me to the profile of an avatar with an angry disclaimer about not coming to her about stuff you’d purchased from other people

The first thing I did was to check whether LeLutka did indeed have a hair of that name on Marketplace. They do (a demo only), and it’s identical to the hair that I had purchased. Also, the hair that I purchased is full-permission and the Marketplace description where I purchased it from states that it’s no-transfer (a lie calculated to throw off the possibility of it being stolen). So I immediately contacted the CS representative for LeLutka to alert them to the possibility of copybotted versions of their hair on Marketplace. Back came the reply that yes, it was stolen. The CS representative also told me that LeLutka don’t even sell full-priced hair on Marketplace; they only have a ‘demo store’. Their full-priced hair has to be purchased at their in-world location.

She also gave me a useful tip to help spot a store full of stolen hair: if the store features lots of different hairstyles in the same colour, then it’s very likely that it’s all stolen.

To that, I’ll also add a couple more tips of my own: things that I’ve learned from this:

  • If the hair is a dollarbie (L$1) then it’s most likely a genuine gift from a hair store. However, if it’s an unusual (but still low) price – such as L$32 – then you should investigate further.
  • Check out the full store. You do this by clicking on ‘visit the store’ on the right-hand side of the page, between the store name and store-owner name (underneath the orange purchase buttons).

Things to look out for, and be especially wary if more than one of these applies to a single store:

  • Lots of hairstyles, all the same ridiculously-cheap price. A few dollarbies in an otherwise genuine-looking hair store are not going to be stolen, but 50 hairstyles (all at strange prices like L$32) probably are.
  • No typical signs of a genuine hair creator: demos, full-price packs (L$150+), no multiple-colour packs (all blondes, all browns, etc).
  • Lots of hairstyles, all in the same colour (or, at most, two or three colours). Be aware that some genuine hair designers use the same image for different hair colours, and just change the item name to denote which hair colour it is, so check the item names as well.
  • No hair colours listed, just the name of the hair itself. Or, if a colour is listed, it may simply say “[style name] black hair”.
  • Lots of hairstyles, all with different types of design. Most hair designers have a ‘signature style’. If you can see a few long blonde styles with wispy fly-away strands and a few more that are more solid and chunky then you’re possibly looking at hair stolen from different designers.
  • Lots of styles in the same hair colour but with different textures. Maybe the roots look longer in one blonde than they do in another, or the shine is different. Maybe one black hair is a solid black and another has a lot of highlighted-shine. While some designers do create new hair texture sets occasionally, they’ll be clumped together because the designer will swap to using the new style of texture at a specific point in time. Sort the store by ‘recent first’ to see if the different textures are all located together.
  • Styles that look very familiar, because you could have sworn you saw them in Truth, or another hair store, last week! (If you actually own those styles, try them on and then angle your camera to the same way the advert is angled. You’ll soon see if the hair is identical or not.)
  • Very professionally-made hair with very simple ads. I’ve blurred out all identifying information in the ad at the top of this post, purely because I don’t want to publicise this seller of stolen merchandise, but all of her hair ads are set against that white background with no store logo, just a simple name in a black font.
  • Personal items being sold alongside lots of cheap hair. In this case, I found gacha resale items being sold at the end of the listings.

What to do if you’ve spotted (or unwittingly purchased) stolen hair:

  • First, verify as much as you can that it is stolen. The above hints will help you, and if you’ve actually purchased the hair, look for clues such as:
    • The item name including a well-known store name, but the creator name not being associated with that store (either its owner or a store alt).
    • Defensive words in the creator’s or seller’s profile about their items.
    • Different permissions on the item you’ve purchased (usually they will be full-permission) than the permissions listed on the Marketplace page.
    • No store group listed in the creator’s (or seller’s) profile, and no store or contact info in their picks or main profile.
  • Contact the genuine store owner/item creator (or their CS representative; check their profile for their preferred point of contact). Send them a notecard titled something like “Possible copybotted [store name] hair on Marketplace” and give as much info in that notecard as you can. Make sure you include a Marketplace link to the stolen hair.
  • If you receive confirmation that the hair is, indeed, stolen, ask the creator (or their CS representative) if they want you to leave a review stating as much. If they say that’s fine, then go ahead and leave a review. You’ll have to give at least one star in order for the review to be posted, but you can state that it’s a no-star review in either the review title or the main review text. Simply state that it’s copybotted (stolen) hair and advise others not to purchase it.
  • If you unwittingly bought it, then trash it. Don’t walk around wearing hair that someone else (who likes it!) can inspect and then purchase from a thief.

What will happen next:

  • The genuine creator will file a DMCA request, to have that specific hair taken down (and any other stolen copies of their hair on that Marketplace store). Only the original creator (the owner of the Intellectual Property, or IP) of an item can file a DMCA request.
  • The genuine creator will probably post a link to the store in one or more large designer groups, so that other designers can check it for their hair that may have been stolen. In my case, the store had hair from Truth and Lamb, and very likely several other stores. Those designers will also file DMCAs.

Eventually (with a bit of luck) the store will be removed entirely by Linden Lab. Unfortunately, though, this doesn’t usually stop the worst culprits. Most copybotters will have a new store set up under a new alt account within a few days. DMCAs are a way of life for many creators, both in the virtual and real worlds. All we can do is to help out where we can, by letting them know when we’ve spotted thieves selling their work for a quick (Linden) buck.

Christmas cuties for just L$3!

Christmas cuties for just L$3!

Hi, peeps!

It’s time for some Ho! Ho! Ho! on the blog. I never seem to get into the full spirit of Christmas until about a week before the event, but once my tree is up at home, I’m as tinselly as anyone, wishing people a Merry Christmas and all that stuff. So I’ve hunted through Marketplace to bring you some festive bargains, and I came away with three cute-as-a-bauble hairstyles, and a complete outfit, all for just L$1 each!

We’ll start with the outfit, because this is fabby. You get the coat dress, the boots, pantyhose, and gloves, all for one measly Linden dollar. It’s the Autumn Style Complete Outfit by Katyenka. And, while it’s called ‘Autumn Style’ the bright red colour fits the whole traditional Christmas theme perfectly. The coat comes in fitted mesh and standard sizing, and you get both clothing layers and appliers (Omega, Maitreya, and Slink) for the gloves and pantyhose. The boots are unrigged, so you can move them around if they don’t quite fit. (Mar’s wearing her Slink Physique body, and that has a slight tilt to the shins, so being able to move boots around is a plus!) If you have the Catwa ‘Jessica’ mesh head, there’s also a makeup applier for that included.

Moving onto the hair, and I am SO IN LOVE WITH THIS! (It needs all-caps; I love it that much!) This is the 2016 Christmas dollarbie hair by eXxEsS, and it comes with a massive customisation HUD. You can customise loads of things about the baubles, and you get two versions of the hair, each with a huge colour HUD: version A (solid colours) and version b (dipped/tints). There’s also a ‘breeze’ version, which moves gently around your face, plus versions with materials. Wowza!

And, when I say the customisation HUDs are massive I really mean it. The two for the hair colours absolutely filled my viewer, from top to bottom! Here they are together:

And here’s the HUD for the baubles:

But that’s not the only cute Christmas hair that eXxEsS has on Marketplace! Here’s their Christmas 2015 dollarbie, with the same colour HUDs as shown above:

You can customise the antlers and baubles on this one, and – as before – there’s more than one version included in the pack.

And here’s their Christmas 2014 dollarbie. Again, same hair customisation HUDs!

Lastly, Mar found some lovely mesh eyes, which are featured in all of these pics: the Human Eyes by Lambda.


Ad-HoC: a treasure trove of freebies from House of Curios!

Ad-HoC: a treasure trove of freebies from House of Curios!

Hi, peeps!

Those of you who have been following SL4Nowt for a long time will remember that I often blogged about footwear from HoC (aka: House of Curios, aka: HoC Industries). Creator Guu Nishi hopped on the prim footed-shoe bandwagon early on, and made some fantastic heels for incredibly affordable prices. She also made great shoes for the guys, too. But she eventually shut up shop and moved on.

So, imagine my delight when, on a drive-by trip a couple of days ago to the Stillman Bazaar (a Linden-owned freebie bazaar where anyone can place free – and mostly full-permission – items for other residents to take, I discovered a box with this hovertext on it:

I grabbed it and took it back home to unpack. Another box was inside this box, but when I unpacked that box, I was seal-clapping like crazy, because it contains just about every single thing that Guu Nishi put out for sale at HoC. And it’s all free and full-permission!

Included is a notecard from Guu herself, which reads as follows:

This pack contains every (everything I can cleanly package up) release from HOC Industries over the past 9 years. I always said that when I closed up shop I’d make everything available for free with full permissions and well, here we are!

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty rules and stuff:

You can give, sell, modify, or do anything you like with the stuff in this box. Enjoy it!

Basically, don’t use any of this stuff for evil and we’re cool.

That’s pretty much everything! There will be no support given for anything in this box, it’s all full mod so you can sort it out if you need to :) Everything should work as expected though.

Have fun! If you feel this has been useful for you, a couple of lindens in my hat would be a lovely gesture! Not a requirement though so only if you want to.

Until we meet again,

Guu Nishi

HOC Industries (2007 – 2016)

This is such a generous act. Thank you so much, Guu! It’s going to enable me to put together an updated newbie avatar box, and I’m going to pack up some of the clothing items (especially the ones for the guys!) to put out as freebies in the Del Mar Store. I’m so happy to finally have some great, always-there free footwear to point newbie guys towards!

Inside the box, you’ll find tons of items, from female clothing and footwear to male clothing and footwear, plus some furniture, accessories (such as watches, glasses, and sunglasses for both genders), and a couple of buildings. Some of it is older clothing layer items, some of the footwear makes use of the old ‘invisiprims’ (so it may or may not work, depending on the viewer you’re using, but since it’s all full-permission, you can edit it to remove the invisiprims and use some of the freely-available alpha layers on Marketplace instead; see the end of this post for some links for those), some of the clothing and footwear contains sculpts, and then there’s some mesh clothing (in standard sizing) and even a pair of gorgeous colour-change heels that fit Slink High and Maitreya feet!

All-in-all it’s a fabulous haul of goodies! I’m going to stop blethering on about it now, and show you some of the items. But first, you’re probably going to want to know where to find this thing, right?

Here’s the SLurl for Stillman Bazaar. As per the screenshot below, you’ll land high up, and you need to head towards the red beam. You’ll find the plain dark grey box on the floor at the back, just behind a little white particle cloud:

As for the rest of this post, hop behind the cut :)

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Mar’s Inventory-Sorting Tips: Those extra sizes and mesh body parts!

Mar’s Inventory-Sorting Tips: Those extra sizes and mesh body parts!

Hi, peeps!

I figured it was about time I dug back into my inventory-sorting tips, because we now have a new inventory-bloater to deal with: the extra sizes of mesh that we don’t wear, as well as the extra options fitted for mesh bodies and feet etc that we don’t own!

There will be lots of screenshots for this post, so hop behind the cut :)

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A celestial lovely from Al Vulo!

A celestial lovely from Al Vulo!

Hi, peeps!

Today’s bargainous gifty is a lovely skin from Al Vulo!

You’ll need to join the Al Vulo! group (it’s free-to-join) and have your group tag active. Once you’re at the store, turn away from it and walk through the garden to the little wooden hut. You’ll find the gift inside there on the back wall.

I’m not sure how old this skin is, because it doesn’t have Omega appliers, and the appliers that it does have are old ones: Wowmeh, Lolas Tango, and Phat Azz. However, it also contains a system skin, plus appliers for Slink hands and feet.

I fell in love with this cute little butterfly fascinator when I was at the Swallow store. It’s a group gift (L$30 to join, and several group gifts on the wall) and it comes in eight colours.

Mar’s hair is a great dollarbie from FABIA on Marketplace. You get a 30-colour ‘naturals’ HUD with this, so you have all the basic blondes, browns, reds, and monochromes.

As for the dress, oh my goodness it’s a pretty one. It’s from AnaLee Balut, and you’ll find it as a group gift (with two colour options) in the ALB store. Be warned, though: the group does cost a lot – L$500 – to join. However, I love AnaLee’s textures and designs, and if you hover your cursor over most of the outfit sets in the store, you’ll find absolutely tons of group gifts and wearable demos. So, if you can scrape up the cash, I recommend it!

Lastly, the shoes. I was so happy to find these heels. They’re a L$65 bargain (ignore the mistake I made in the price on the image – oops!) from Ben’s Boutique on Marketplace, and they’re for Slink High feet only. You get a 16-colour HUD, plus options for the chains, so you can match them with lots of outfits.