Well, Christmas is over (somebody had to say it!) but we’re still in the grip of the SL winter. One of my favourite wintry stories is The Snow Queen, and as Mar shivered her way around the grid today she managed to put together a lovely Snow Queen look.
Her dress and hair are from limited-time offers at The Dressing Room Blue. The White Christmas dress is Kunglers’ TDRB offering, at L$60, and the lovely fatpack of Mindy hair in 48 shades with fluffy white earmuffs is Exile’s TDRB offering, also at L$60. If you search Groups for Gala & Rita Design Announcements (free to join) and join the group that pops up, you’ll find Curio’s beautiful Ice Queen skin in five tones (ranging from dark to very pale) in the group’s notices, with dark and light variations on each tone and freckled versions of all tones. Finally, Mar’s boots are the colour-change Nudey Boots (L$100) from HoC Apparel.

I’ve got more snuggly goodness for you, in the form of two lovely hair-with-hat gifts sent out to Amacci‘s subscribo members. Male and female versions included! Hop behind the cut for pics.
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