Fashionable Mystique!
Hi peeps!
Just a small handful of weekend offers today: one from Saturday Sale, and two from Happy Weekend!
These lovely comfy Fall Jeans with Boots are from Fashionably Dead in the Saturday Sale, and are L$75 per denim tone (with fits for Maitreya, Legacy, eBody Reborn, Kupra, Freya, and Slink Hourglass). I’ve teamed it with an old weekend sale jacket from Blueberry, and a positively ancient system top from Sn@tch (worn via Bakes on Mesh, of course!)
Below is a side view of the jeans and boots, plus an image of the boot colour options that you get with each single denim tone of the jeans. There are many more boot colours in the fatpack.
The hair is a fabby fatpack for Happy Weekend (L$60) from Wasabi, called Mystique, and contains three huge colour HUDs: Colours, Roots, and Variety. The makeup is from a mixed BoM and applier (BoM for the eyeshadows, appliers for the included lipstick) set for EvoX heads, from Vorobyev for Happy Weekend (L$60). I’ve teamed it with one of the lipsticks from the (now finished) Holiday Special giveaway, from Holloway Beauty (which looks like it still might be available, as the vendors are still out!)